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Showing posts from November, 2017

Man's victory lies in his surrender to God.

Sri Amma Bhagavan: We can expound this teaching at different levels. We will see one perspective only right now.      God's will is the Divine Will. What we see is the Divine Will. All things are happening automatically. Sun is rising in the east, seasons are coming, earth is revolving round the sun, you are waking up in the morning, you are getting hunger, thinking is happening etc. Therefore, what is happening is the Divine Will.      God has gifted man with the Free Will. Which means, man has the power to think whatever he wants, speak whatever he wants and can do whatever he wants to do. That is how one can design one's life. Throw flowers, flowers will fall on you; throw stones, stones will fall on you. Thus you are the creator of your own destiny. But, you are full of hurts, ego, jealousy, anger, hatred, traumas etc. hence your thoughts, words and actions result in such decisions leading to a particular kind of life.      ...

" In relationships, friendship arises only when there is unconditional love. "

Sri Amma Bhagavan "Sri Amma Bhagavan define "Friendship" as freedom in relationship. In friendship, there is no judgement, fear, planning, insecurity etc. What exists is freedom. There is unconditional love. It is not attachment, possessiveness etc. There are no rules or conditions. There is no suffering of loss. But it is just there. It is causeless and there is joy. Only when one experiences unconditional love, one experiences that freedom which is 'friendship' which Sri Amma Bhagavan are talking about. This unconditional Love cannot be practised. It is a benediction from The Divine. The only way one can experience unconditional Love is by realising that it is not there and seek for it from The Lord. People experience unconditional Love in the Oneness Processes which heals relationships."