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What attitude can help us earn money?

Sri Bhagavan:

"We should also understand the difference between money making and wealth creation. Making money is an unenlightened pursuit. You could gamble and make money, or go racing and make money. While wealth creation, on the other hand, is a spiritual activity. Wealth, ultimately, is the ability to add value to things and people. Let us say you set up an academy to train young minds in order to create productive citizens, who are creating wealth for the nation. You create an industry, you are helping employ many people, and are also strengthening the social fabric into being richer. Wealth always has a tendency to percolate.

There is an Indian word for money, which is called "nanayam". What this means is integrity. That is, the name means integrity. If money is rightfully earned, it indicates your contribution to society. What have you done for society, whereby you've earned that much money. It's an indicator of your contribution.

Your ability to create and retain wealth is determined by your relationship with money. Like everything else, money is a form of energy which is attracted to the energy that is like itself. Your relationship with anything determines how much of that thing you are attracting or repelling. Money does not exist by itself but it is always attached with the energy of the person who relates with it. The same money can be experienced by different people in different ways according to the relationship they each have with it.

Rich people know that money is important, that is why they have it. Poor people think money is not important, that is why they lack it. Can you imagine if you kept telling your spouse that they are not important, how long do you think they are going to stay with you? What you appreciate, appreciates in value. What you do not appreciate, depreciates in value. Know that money is important and appreciate it, but do not be attached to it. It's having a healthy relationship where you cherish it but are free from it.

Your motivation for making money is vital. If your motivation for making money comes from fear, anger or the need to prove yourself, then money will never bring you happiness. Anger and the need to prove yourself are also forms of fear. It is a state of being where you feel you don't have something and therefore you need to fight to get it. It is to intend and act from a place of fear. The opposite is to intend and act from a place of love. It is a state of being where you are whole and doing what brings you joy

When you indulge in wealth creation with intelligence and integrity, money is an automatic byproduct."


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